Differentiate between DDL and DML commands

The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises one of the fundamental building blocks of modern database architecture. SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms.

SQL comes in many flavors. Oracle databases utilize their proprietary PL/SQL. Microsoft SQL Server makes use of Transact-SQL. However, all of these variations are based upon the industry standard ANSI SQL.

SQL commands can be divided into two main sublanguages: Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML).

Data Definition Language: The Data Definition Language (DDL) contains the commands used to create and destroy databases and database objects. These commands are primarily used by database administrators during the setup and removal phases of a database project. After the database structure is defined with DDL, database administrators and users can utilize the Data Manipulation Language (DML) to insert, retrieve and modify the data contained within it. Let's take a look at the structure and usage of four basic DDL commands:

CREATE - Installing a database management system (DBMS) on a computer allows you to create and manage many independent databases. For example, you may want to maintain a database of customer contacts for your sales department and a personnel database for your HR department. The CREATE command can be used to establish each of these databases on your platform. For example, the command:


creates an empty database named "employees" on your DBMS. After creating the database, your next step is to create tables that will contain data. Another variant of the CREATE command can be used for this purpose. The command:

CREATE TABLE personal_info (first_name char(20) not null, last_name char(20) not null, employee_id int not null)

establishes a table titled "personal_info" in the current database. In our example, the table contains three attributes: first_name, last_name and employee_id.

USE - The USE command allows you to specify the database you wish to work with within your DBMS. For example, if we're currently working in the sales database and want to issue some commands that will affect the employees’ database; we would preface them with the following SQL command:

USE employees

It's important to always be conscious of the database you are working in before issuing SQL commands that manipulate data.

ALTER - Once you've created a table within a database, you may wish to modify the definition of it. The ALTER command allows you to make changes to the structure of a table without deleting and recreating it. Take a look at the following command:

ALTER TABLE personal_info
ADD salary money null

This example adds a new attribute to the personal_info table -- an employee's salary. The "money" argument specifies that an employee's salary will be stored using a dollars and cents format. Finally, the "null" keyword tells the database that it's OK for this field to contain no value for any given employee.

DROP - The final command of the Data Definition Language, DROP, allows us to remove entire database objects from our DBMS. For example, if we want to permanently remove the personal_info table that we created, we'd use the following command:

DROP TABLE personal_info

Similarly, the command below would be used to remove the entire employees’ database:


Use this command with care! Remember that the DROP command removes entire data structures from your database. If you want to remove individual records, use the DELETE command of the Data Manipulation Language.
Data Manipulation Language: The Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to retrieve, insert and modify database information. These commands will be used by all database users during the routine operation of the database. Let's take a brief look at the basic DML commands:

INSERT – The INSERT command in SQL is used to add records to an existing table. Returning to the personal_info example from the previous section, let's imagine that our HR department needs to add a new employee to their database. They could use a command similar to the one shown below:

INSERT INTO personal_info VALUES ('bart','simpson',12345,$45000)

Note that there are four values specified for the record. These correspond to the table attributes in the order they were defined: first_name, last_name, employee_id, and salary.

SELECT - The SELECT command is the most commonly used command in SQL. It allows database users to retrieve the specific information they desire from an operational database. Let's take a look at a few examples, again using the personal_info table from our employees’ database.
The command shown below retrieves all of the information contained within the personal_info table. Note that the asterisk is used as a wildcard in SQL. This literally means, "Select everything from the personal_info table."

SELECT * FROM personal_info

Alternatively, users may want to limit the attributes that are retrieved from the database. For example, the Human Resources department may require a list of the last names of all employees in the company. The following SQL command would retrieve only that information:

SELECT last_name FROM personal_info

Finally, the WHERE clause can be used to limit the records that are retrieved to those that meet specified criteria. The CEO might be interested in reviewing the personnel records of all highly paid employees. The following command retrieves all of the data contained within personal_info for records that have a salary value greater than $50,000:

SELECT * FROM personal_info WHERE salary > $50000

UPDATE - The UPDATE command can be used to modify information contained within a table, either in bulk or individually. Each year, our company gives all employees a 3% cost-of-living increase in their salary. The following SQL command could be used to quickly apply this to all of the employees stored in the database:

UPDATE personal_info SET salary = salary * 1.03

On the other hand, our new employee Bart Simpson has demonstrated performance above and beyond the call of duty. Management wishes to recognize his stellar accomplishments with a $5,000 raise. The WHERE clause could be used to single out Bart for this raise:

UPDATE personal_info SET salary = salary + $5000 WHERE employee_id = 12345

DELETE - Finally, let's take a look at the DELETE command. You'll find that the syntax of this command is similar to that of the other DML commands. Unfortunately, our latest corporate earnings report didn't quite meet expectations and poor Bart has been laid off. The DELETE command with a WHERE clause can be used to remove his record from the personal_info table:

DELETE FROM personal_info WHERE employee_id = 12345

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