Read Only Fields in C#

Read-only fields allow you to establish a point of data, whose value is not known at compile time, but that should never change once established. A read-only field cannot be changed after the initial assignment.

A readonly field can be given a value only by using an initializer when it is declared, or by assigning it a value within a constructor.

A readonly field can be initialized both at compile time and at runtime.
  • Compile time initialization: Unlike a constant field, a readonly field in not implicitly static.
    A readonly field can be initialized at class level at the time of its declaration only if it is static and the value is known at compile time.
    class MyMathClass
    public static readonly double PI = 3.14;
  • Runtime initialization: An instance (non-static) readonly field can only be initialized at runtime. This can be done only within the scope of an instance constructor and nowhere else.
    class MyMathClass
    public readonly double PI;
    public MyMathClass ()
    PI = 3.14;
    If the value of a static read-only field is not known until runtime, you must make use of a static constructor.
    class MyMathClass
    public static readonly double PI;
    static MyMathClass()
    { PI = 3.14; }
Static readonly fields should be initialized in a static constructor while instance readonly fields should be initialized in instance constructor(s).

A readonly field can be static or nonstatic. Unlike const, read-only fields are not implicitly static.

A const field gets determined at compile time, while a readonly field can be determined at runtime.

Related Post: The const keyword

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